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Ideachi Kalpana

Actors: Sachin Pilgaonkar ,Ashok Saraf ,Mahesh Kothare, Bhargavi Chirmule, Nirmiti Sawant
Director: Sachin
Actor- Producer & director Sachin’s much awaited multi-starrer film 'Ideachi Kalpana' has finally been released on the last day of the year at many theatres simultaneously, only to witness cancellation of the first show, for want of audience at 12.45 pm in one of the multiplexes, but the booking clerk politely admits that there will be a show in the evening. And, in spite of the new year celebrations, about 30-35 people blessed this film at this theatre on the opening day. It really hurts to find such a poor response for a big banner Marathi film. It is high time that the Marathi film lovers support the Marathi film industry with a good turn out at the theatres and at the same time, Marathi film producers also offer something new and different, besides entertainment. After watching this film, one really doubts, whether we are really short of new ideas? Is sole entertainment only the criteria of Marathi cinema?
The story is about an aspiring actor Jairam played by Sachin who gets knocked down by a car driven by the Police Commissioner Thakur’s (Mahesh Kothare) sister (BhargaviBhopatkar) and then her loving brother takes the blame about the hit and run case on himself confident that he will wriggle out of it but Jairam’s wheeler-dealer lawyer brother in law Manohar (Ashok Saraf), an expert in out of court settlements sees an opportunity to make a fast buck by filing a suit claim against the Commissioner for rupees fifty lakh and implores Jairam to act as an invalid.What happens next? Does Jairam get the fifty lakhs? Does he get married to Preeti, the Commissioner’s sister? Does the scheming lawyer Manohar Banshingre succeed in his plan? Will Commissioner Thakur outsmart Manohar?

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

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