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Yada Kadachit

Actors: Kamalakar Satpute,Sameer Choughule,Bharat Sawle,Ramesh Jadhav,Santosh Pawar etc
Director: Santosh Pawar
Mahabharata the reflection of Indian culture. Pandava's were honest and turely gentlemen where as Kaurava's of cruel nature, devil hearted. The victory of honest and truthful Pandava's did come but at the end. All this happened in the real, original epic of 'Mahabharata'. This time instead of Kaurava's, Pandava's invite them to play the game of 'Dice'. Draupati shrewdly changes the game there by sending Kaurava to vanvas; she takes the revenge of the injustice previously done by the Kaurava's. During the vanvas Ghandhari assumes herself as Sita and cries for the 'choli' made by 'Sauarnamurga' and when waiting for Ravana to come and kidnap her to her surprise the person who comes is Virapan, a sandalwood thief. During the Vanvasa Sharavan Bal who is searching for his parents in the jungle meets Dhrutarastra and Gandhari and assumes them as his own parents.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

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