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Tya Ratri Paus Hota

Actors: Amruta Subhash, Subodh Bhave, Sayaji Shinde, Sonali Kulkarni, Sandip Mehata, Milind Shinde
Director: Gajendra Ahire
Most appreciated 3 star Rated Movie -- Socio-political criticism has remained no more a new thing. Many political satires and feminist issues were introduced in different films. What makes Gajendra Ahire always outstanding is the rich permutation –combination of story, plot, dialogue and direction present in his mind at a time. His treatment to traditional issues gives them novelty. This time, his ‘Tya Ratri Paus Hota’ gives us the treat of socio-political thriller.Two travelers moving towards different destinations but sharing the same past-this theme has gained a new life in the hands of the director Gajendra Ahire. The movie starts with raining. It is a time of election fever. A journalist named Avinash (Subodh Bhave) raises a question before the politician of the area (Sayaji Shinde). Avinash is now kidnapped and sent to the guesthouse where he meets Raavee(Amruta Subhash). They recognize each other and the glimpses of their past are flowed. The interest should be maintained in experiencing the thrill in the movie, rather than telling the further story. The artistry of the director lies in his successful creation of a breathtaking suspense. The recurring references to violin, to a train passing from a bridge, to the rain, to the ‘Sahebrao’ and to the murders he has committed-darken the suspense and underline the theme of past.Thae Marathi main stream film industry is jam packed with comedy films. But even in the era of commercialization, few directors are making the efforts of going with good scripts, social message and ethical values. Their main object is to provoke the society rather than making profit. Gajendra Ahire’s ‘Tyaa raatriPaus hota’ keeps the same essence alive and stands out strongly in the trend of so called comedy movies.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

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